Auction: Beefmaster TEST 27/09
Date 27 September 2024
African Wildlife Auctions (Pty) Ltd
Lot information
003B (F)
African Wildlife Auctions
Specifics of each animal
Description Information
Livestock Type
Livestock Species
Cattle - Beefmaster
Livestock Category
Pricing Principles of Lot Per Unit
Estimate Weight per Lot in Kg 0
Additional Info on Lot
Lot Insurance No
In the Ring Yes
On Catalogue No
Delivery Date Subject to payment
Province Limpopo
City/Town Vaalwater
Description :V8 200494 - Beefmaster Cow

Lot information
003B (F)
African Wildlife Auctions
Specifics of each animal
Description Information
Livestock Type Cattle
Livestock Species Cattle - Beefmaster
Livestock Category Cow
Selection Values
Cow Value 97
Calving Ease Value 114
Calf Growth Value 107
Milk Value 74
Maintenance Value 93
Fertility Value 117
Carcass Value 102
Last Calf Details
Calf ID V8 230989 (F)
Birth Date 2023-07-22
Sire ID BOS 188154
Dam Information
Dam ID V8 170154
Age 6y
Age at First Calving 25m
Intercalving Period 328D
Number of Calves 4
Number of Calves Weaned 4
Wean Maternal Value 100
Average Wean Index 100
Cow to Calf Birth Ratio 6.04
Cow to Calf Wean Ratio 53.7
Calvings 20-01, 20-12, 21-10, 22-10
Growth & Frame Details
Post-Wean Weight 53%
Average Daily Gain 24%
Feed Conversion Ratio 5%
Mature Weight 28%
Height 25%
Length 25%
Carcass Details
Eye Muscle Area 17%
Fat Thickness 10%
Marbling 10%
Calf & Dam Details
Birth Weight Direct 68%
Birth Weight Maternal 54%
Weaning Weight Direct 66%
Weaning Weight Maternal 52%
Q204X Not Tested
NT821 Not Tested
F94L Not Tested
Growth & Phenotypic Values
Birth Weight 25Kg
205D Weight 281Kg / 101 (7)
365D Weight 265Kg
Scrotum (B1)
Fertility Details
Scrotal Circumference 26%
Heifer Fertility 47%
Cow Fertility 25%
Longevity 50%
Additional Info (Female Only)
Female Age at First Calving 31m
Calves Born 1
Calves Weaned 1
Wean Index 100
Health Program/Inoculations
Covenix , Dectomax, Lumpyvax , Multisomnii
Animal Information
Identification Number V8 200494
Herd Book SP
Date of Birth 2020-12-09
Age of Animal 3y 8m
Inbreeding % 1%
Seller Remarks
Info 01 Cow V8 24/1263

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